Casa delle Rose

Casa delle Rose

The agricultural company “Casa delle Rose” (House of the Roses), of property of the Bernot family, is found to Ruttars di Dolegna, in one of the beautiful and evocative zones of the Collio Goriziano. The entire complex extends on various hectares of land of which 3,0 are used after destined vineyard to the production of white and red grapes. Over they, the villa rises, whose more ancient part laughed them to the 900, while the body centers them has been widened in 1400. The building dominates the higher hill of the zone and in the better days the splendid panorama can be admired that goes from the Carnic Alps until the Adriatic sea.
From the 2006 company it has opened the service of bed&breakfast in rooms fine furnished having maintained one peasant style like the rest of the villa.     

Fraction Ruttars of Dolegna is found in the heart of the Collio Goriziano, to the center of the Mitteleuropa, and is easy to catch up the agricultural company House of the Roses from the main ways of access of the Friuli Venice Julia.

All the rooms are equipped of conditioned air. Animals of small ransom accept themselves.

Casa delle Rose
Via Ruttars, 17 - 34070 Dolegna del Collio (Go)
Tel. +39 347 7515804 - Fax +39 0481 33997
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In collina A4 uscita Villesse Gorizia Cormons Trieste 25 km,
Venezia 120 km,
Treviso 100 km






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Aria condizionata  
Piscina esterna  
Centro benessere  
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